Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What's That Smell?

As a parent, is there anything worse than have both of your children sick with a stomach bug at the same time? Most would answer with a resounding, "No!" Alas, most would be mistaken. The worse thing is having both parents stricken down with said stomach bug as well. Ugh! This is what happened at Casa de Rudegeair last Thursday and Friday. Fortunately, when both kids were really bad Carl III and I were okay, but on Friday when they started to recover we were down for the count. (On that note, why aren't my kids as sympathetic when I'm sick as I am when they are? The rude little punks still wanted me to prepare them meals while I was lying on the couch groaning in agony! How rude.)
It seems that this bug has cleared out of our home, thankfully...except for a few lingering effects. For one, we are all so gassy it's absurd! (Sorry to share, but honestly! It's ridiculous!) While Carl IV and I are mostly burpy, Carl III and Paige are not so considerate. Carl IV is constantly asking, "Whew! Whassat smell?!" Yeah, that's your family, pal. Sorry.
On a less disgusting note, we're moving this weekend! Yay! I haven't posted anything before this because nothing was finalized until Sunday and I didn't want to jinx it! The new house is almost 3,000 square feet, has 3 bathrooms, and...wait for it...a DISHWASHER!!!! WHOOOOOOO! All this, and $100 less per month than we're paying now?! Hallelujah! Now, if I can just keep from killing Carl III in the process of moving, we'll be all set.

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