Thursday, May 26, 2011

Obscure Celebrity Crush

Okay, this blog has absolutely nothing to do with my family, so if that's why you stopped by, sorry. My crazy pregnant brain will not allow any coherant thoughts to form, so I've been putzing around online most of the day. That's when I stumbled across my celebrity crush. The one guy that I can actually describe as "handsome." Not "hot" or "sexy"... how many guys get called handsome now. Over the age of 5, at least? Not many. Anywho, here he is. Anderson Cooper. *sigh*
I can't explain it, but the man is just dreamy to me. Maybe it's the steely blue eyes, the distinguished salt and pepper hair that he manages to pull off without looking old enough to be my father...I repeat, *sigh*.
Then I started to think, "Hmm...surely other people have celebrity crushes that they wouldn't mind sharing so I felt a little less like a psycho for finding a man that I've never crossed paths with so "dreamy." So, I pose this question to you: Who is your less-than-obvious celebrity crush. What I mean is, if you're about to answer this with "Brad Pitt" or "Justin Timberlake" or "Scarlett Johanson" forget it. They are so obviously "sexy" and I'm sure you're one in a bajillion in thinking so. I'm talking about the "handsome" or "beautiful" crushes that fly under the radar...c''ve got to have at least one, right?


  1. I share your crush

  2. He's only 44-not old enough to be Dad! Mom

  3. Suze, rent 'Undercover Blues.' Thank me later.
