Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I had my second prenatal checkup yesterday and Carl III somehow convinced me that we should take the kids so they could "be a part" of this pregnancy. I have to agree, it sounds good in theory. They get to hear the heartbeat and make it a little more real. One thing that slipped my mind: doctors make you wait. A lot. For a long time. Try waiting in a 10x10 doctors' examination room with a 2 year old, a 4 year old, a STARVING pregnant woman, and a husband who is growing ever-more irritated with all 3 prior-mentioned individuals. I'm suprised we made it out without any casualties.
Anyway, back to sappiness: We heard the new baby's heartbeat for the first time. *sigh* The look on the kids' faces (especially Paige) was priceless. Eyes wide, mouths open in an "o", just completely dumb-struck. So cool. But that will definitely be the last time they accompany us to the doctor. Oi.
Carl IV was asking me over the weekend how the baby would get out of my belly. "Sheez," I thought, "This already?! I am NOT ready for the birds and the bees talk." So, I kept it as simple as possible. I explained that in an ideal situation the baby just came out when it was ready. (I was careful not to mention where said baby came out of. I don't even like to think about that any more than I have to. shudder) Then, I went on to explain that sometimes the baby needs to come out through a cut in the mommy's belly (Imagine my 4 year old's fascination at the thought of someone sawing me in half). Well, somehow he convinced himself that they would be cutting into my tummy to hear the baby's heartbeat. So, when we're pulling out of the doctor's office parking lot Carl IV says, "Why didn't they cut you open? I thought they were going to cut your tummy?" I can't help but laugh at the fact that 1) He was so distracted by the idea of someone cutting me in half that he totally missed the point of why someone would be cutting me open, and 2) He thought I would bring him and his sister to WATCH someone saw me in two?!?! What a weirdo.

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