Thursday, February 10, 2011

Indigo Child

I was chatting with my mom online yesterday, and she was complimenting me on my blog being so entertaining (Thanks, Mom!), and she asked if I had ever heard the term "Indigo Child." I hadn't so I immediately Googled it and did a little reading. I am so flattered! My mom put it very aptly as a "flower child...with attitude." I love that! Upon doing a little more reading on the term, though, I found that more often than not, children that were considered "Indigo" by their parents actually tested positive for ADHD. That got me can they accurately test something like that? As the parent of 2 VERY active and whacky children, I'm beginning to worry that some teacher along the way is going to say that one of them is "hyperactive" and try to have me medicate my kid. I really don't like that idea. I've known kids (and adults) that were on riddalin (sp?) and aderol, and I have to say, I'd rather have a total whack-a-doo kid than the doped up zombie that results from medication. I feel like (especially in recent years) any time a kid acts up in school, they're labled as hyperactive or ADD. Umm...maybe you suck as a teacher and need to work on keeping your students' attention? It's a possibility, am I right? These are the things that haunt me at night now that I'm a parent. That and the fear that my son will be a bully, my daughter will be a snob, or the opposite of those 2 things. Parenthood is stressful, even when the little punks are asleep.
Speaking of the little punks, Carl IV had his Valentine's Day party at school today, so I'm sure he'll be all strung out from having eaten nothing but lolipops and conversation hearts all day. God, help me!


  1. i agree, docs are way to quick to diagnose adhd, add, etc. Ritalin blows...from what ive experienced and heard. I think I'd rather have a whack a doo kid too, instead of one on ritalin. don't worry, dee. your kids are fantastic. you are instilling good morals and values young, that's all you can do. love ya!!!!!

  2. Dee-I work in a counseling setting with many children with ADHD. It is a sticky situation, with no black or white answer. Are people quick to medicate? Yes! Are there kids that need medication-Yes! I recently have been counseling a 13 year old boy who just started with meds for his ADHD. Long story short...He should have been taking this stuff years ago. He has had 13 years of negative experiences with family members, and school. He is now trying to recover from all of this. His grades are poor and relationship with mom tattered from years of impulsive actions. He has recently attempted suicide. every case like this? No. But we should also know that medication can be helpful.
    With that being said, my boys... I am with you Dee. I would do everything in my power to keep them off meds. But I hope I would have the vision to know when to stop being stubborn and do the meds if it would make their life better. This parenting stuff...too tough and too many decisions. I feel bad for the parents who are trying make this choice right now.
    Great blog though...always love reading.
    Cindy Strano

  3. Cindy- I agree! There are definitely times that ritalin (sp?) is beneficial and helps a kid excel. I'm glad kids have someone like you to help them out! You are the perfect person to council kids...that being said, I hope my kids never have to sit down with you! LOL!
