Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Yay! At 2 years old, my son finally started calling me mom! He used to just grunt in my general direction when he wanted me, which drove me insane since he said "dad" all day long! Grrr...
So, I started ignoring the grunting. It made me feel bad at first, but aparently it did the trick! He looked at me this morning, and while twirling my hair around his finger (his favorite pasttime), he grinned and said, "Mum-mum!" It's funny, because he sounds like a little English boy. "Mum." I'm so excited, though! I think me going back to work made him realize how cool I really am.

Paige has starting rolling all over the place, which is unsettling. I had forgotten how cautious you have to be with a small person rolling around on the floor! We have pillows lined up along the bottom of most of the furniture to prevent any major damage to her, but she's still so anxious to move around that she'll get up on all fours and rock from front to back! (Hello!! She's only 5 months old!) Then, she'll get too tired to hold herself up and her head goes crashing into the floor with a resounding "thud." The poor kid looks as though she's been in a bar fight...little bruises all over her forehead! She's starting sleeping through the night, which is super exciting to the rest of us in the house. She's a lot more pleasant, as well! Hooray!

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