That said, when did I turn 27?! I'm officially in my late 20s! I did not authorize that!
The cause for this smack in the face of my age is my visit to the doctor yesterday. I had to stay home to have my disposal replaced (I'm not cool with just letting service people in the house and then heading off to work...seen way too many of those hidden camera shows), and I've been feeling all dizzy and light-headed for the past few weeks, and also my leg has been going numb randomly. Fun, right? So, I decided that I would make an appointment for the late afternoon, and just get checked over to make sure I wasn't having a heart-attack or something. Turns out I have vertigo (hence the dizziness), a pinched nerve (numb leg), and there's a nodule (or however it's spelled) on my thyroid! So, basically, I'm falling apart.
I was expecting something, like, "Oh, you have an ear infection which is making you a little dizzy, and you must be wearing heels again, which is why your leg's acting up." But, no...I'm just falling apart. So, I have to do these exercises 3 times a day to "re-align" my head's perception of "center," my doc wants me to go to physical therapy 3 times a week for the pinched nerve, and I have to have blood work done and an ultrasound for my thyroid. I just looked at him like, "Hi. I have a full-time job, 2 children under 3 years old, and a husband...when am I supposed to do all this?!"
On a lighter note, we met up with that photographer mentioned in an earlier posting who was offering free pictures. It went...okay. He's a 19 year old kid who didn't have any experience shooting kids, so he didn't really go about it with the sense of urgency that I would have. But, I think we probably got some good ones. I'll post some shots once he gets them edited and such.
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