Carl went back to work today! Hip-hip-hooray! It will be such a nice change for all of us to have things to do everyday (not to mention the extra income). Carl's going to work everyday, I'm going to work everyday, and the kids are heading to Grandmom's (a.k.a. Debbie's) house. She's been chomping at the bit for Carl to go back to work. Aparently she has planned all sorts of outings to local farms, zoos, etc. So, the kids (well, L.C. at least) will get a kick out of that.
It'll be nice to have Carl out of the house again, too. Don't get me wrong, the man is an AMAZING stay-at-home dad. He's much better at it than I ever was. But, he's the kind of guy that constantly has to be "doing." So, stuck at home all day, he would find things to keep himself busy. Helpful and fantastic the first, oh, month. After that, it got really irritating.
Me: "Hey, babe? Where's the cereal?"
Carl: "Oh, I rearranged the kitchen yesterday. The cabinets were so unorganized. It's over by the toaster, since toast is for breakfast, and so is cereal. Get it?"
Me: "Ugh. Yeah, I get it."
Carl: "Um, Dee?"
Me: "Yeah. What's up?"
Carl: "That laundry you did yesterday...I got bored and put it in the dryer, and your shirt shrunk. I'm sorry!"
Me: "Ugh. That's all right. Thanks for the effort."
You get the picture. So, it'll be nice for us all to have more things to occupy our time.
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