Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
A Peeing Doll? ...Really?
I am officially desperate. I bought a doll that pees to help me potty-train my son. I've been reading the book "Potty-Training in Less Than 1 Day," and it mentions having the child help you show the doll how to go potty, resulting in your child actually learning as well. So, I hit the web and found an anatomically correct potty-training doll...for $65!! "Screw that," I said. So, the search continued, and I found one that more closely resembles a gingerbread man than a human, but, it was $12. SOLD! So, hopefully this, along with some intense, uninterrupted potty-time, I can say goodbye to Size 5 diapers...until Paige gets into them, of course. Fingers crossed!
We finally got the prints from our free photo shoot about a month ago. They're fantastic! I got a CD as well, so I'll pop some up here. Eventually. Cut me some slack, I've got a full-time job and 2 kids. Sheesh!
I just got an email from my mom informing me that the boy that I used to baby-sit is getting married and moving back into her neighborhood! MARRIED! I can't believe how old I am! Wait a second...I think that means his baby sister has graduated high school already! HOLY CRAP! That's it...I'm going to exercise my rights as an old person and get a drink.
We finally got the prints from our free photo shoot about a month ago. They're fantastic! I got a CD as well, so I'll pop some up here. Eventually. Cut me some slack, I've got a full-time job and 2 kids. Sheesh!
I just got an email from my mom informing me that the boy that I used to baby-sit is getting married and moving back into her neighborhood! MARRIED! I can't believe how old I am! Wait a second...I think that means his baby sister has graduated high school already! HOLY CRAP! That's it...I'm going to exercise my rights as an old person and get a drink.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Rain, rain, go away...
Yuck. That's all I can really say about our weather lately. If my calculations are correct, it has rained every day for the past 19 days! What the hell?! I have a VERY active 2-year-old that needs to run around outside! Enough, already! I'm sorry, but I had to get that off my chest. Not to mention, the gloomy weather is bringing me down. I now can say with the utmost confidence that I will never, ever, ever live in Seattle. It's downright depressing.
Okay, onto brighter news...I got a raise! Yahoo! It's nice having 2 decent incomes, I must admit. Paying all of our bills on time every month is a nice feeling. I'm not afraid to answer the phone anymore! Plus, if I want to treat myself to lunch once in a while I don't feel bad anymore. It's nice being a contributor to the financial standing of the family. I know it's awful, but I just didn't get a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day when I was a stay-at-home mom. I think the whole family is getting along much better now that we're all busy during the day!
We're heading to one of our friend's son's 4th birthday party on Saturday. Please, let's all pray that the weather is nice, because it's a pool party, and the thought of being cooped inside with a bunch of preschoolers for 3 hours makes me ill! All in all it should be a good time.
Father's Day is Sunday, and I'm yet to decide what to get Carl. He pointed out a few things from the Guinness Brewery web store (shirts, hats, a mini rugby ball), but they're all out of stock!Grrr... Ah, well. I'm sure inspiration will strike soon enough. And if not, I'll just have to rely on the amazing last-minute shopping skills I've developed over my years as a procrastinator! Wish me luck!
Okay, onto brighter news...I got a raise! Yahoo! It's nice having 2 decent incomes, I must admit. Paying all of our bills on time every month is a nice feeling. I'm not afraid to answer the phone anymore! Plus, if I want to treat myself to lunch once in a while I don't feel bad anymore. It's nice being a contributor to the financial standing of the family. I know it's awful, but I just didn't get a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day when I was a stay-at-home mom. I think the whole family is getting along much better now that we're all busy during the day!
We're heading to one of our friend's son's 4th birthday party on Saturday. Please, let's all pray that the weather is nice, because it's a pool party, and the thought of being cooped inside with a bunch of preschoolers for 3 hours makes me ill! All in all it should be a good time.
Father's Day is Sunday, and I'm yet to decide what to get Carl. He pointed out a few things from the Guinness Brewery web store (shirts, hats, a mini rugby ball), but they're all out of stock!Grrr... Ah, well. I'm sure inspiration will strike soon enough. And if not, I'll just have to rely on the amazing last-minute shopping skills I've developed over my years as a procrastinator! Wish me luck!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
This is the link to the photos we had taken last weekend. Check them out and tell me which ones you like!
This is the link to the photos we had taken last weekend. Check them out and tell me which ones you like!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
June?! What happened to May?
Okay, remember when you were a kid, and it seemed like the year just dragged by so slowly? What happened to that? I can't believe it's already June!
That said, when did I turn 27?! I'm officially in my late 20s! I did not authorize that! Ah, well...
The cause for this smack in the face of my age is my visit to the doctor yesterday. I had to stay home to have my disposal replaced (I'm not cool with just letting service people in the house and then heading off to work...seen way too many of those hidden camera shows), and I've been feeling all dizzy and light-headed for the past few weeks, and also my leg has been going numb randomly. Fun, right? So, I decided that I would make an appointment for the late afternoon, and just get checked over to make sure I wasn't having a heart-attack or something. Turns out I have vertigo (hence the dizziness), a pinched nerve (numb leg), and there's a nodule (or however it's spelled) on my thyroid! So, basically, I'm falling apart.
I was expecting something, like, "Oh, you have an ear infection which is making you a little dizzy, and you must be wearing heels again, which is why your leg's acting up." But, no...I'm just falling apart. So, I have to do these exercises 3 times a day to "re-align" my head's perception of "center," my doc wants me to go to physical therapy 3 times a week for the pinched nerve, and I have to have blood work done and an ultrasound for my thyroid. I just looked at him like, "Hi. I have a full-time job, 2 children under 3 years old, and a husband...when am I supposed to do all this?!"
On a lighter note, we met up with that photographer mentioned in an earlier posting who was offering free pictures. It went...okay. He's a 19 year old kid who didn't have any experience shooting kids, so he didn't really go about it with the sense of urgency that I would have. But, I think we probably got some good ones. I'll post some shots once he gets them edited and such.
That said, when did I turn 27?! I'm officially in my late 20s! I did not authorize that!
The cause for this smack in the face of my age is my visit to the doctor yesterday. I had to stay home to have my disposal replaced (I'm not cool with just letting service people in the house and then heading off to work...seen way too many of those hidden camera shows), and I've been feeling all dizzy and light-headed for the past few weeks, and also my leg has been going numb randomly. Fun, right? So, I decided that I would make an appointment for the late afternoon, and just get checked over to make sure I wasn't having a heart-attack or something. Turns out I have vertigo (hence the dizziness), a pinched nerve (numb leg), and there's a nodule (or however it's spelled) on my thyroid! So, basically, I'm falling apart.
I was expecting something, like, "Oh, you have an ear infection which is making you a little dizzy, and you must be wearing heels again, which is why your leg's acting up." But, no...I'm just falling apart. So, I have to do these exercises 3 times a day to "re-align" my head's perception of "center," my doc wants me to go to physical therapy 3 times a week for the pinched nerve, and I have to have blood work done and an ultrasound for my thyroid. I just looked at him like, "Hi. I have a full-time job, 2 children under 3 years old, and a husband...when am I supposed to do all this?!"
On a lighter note, we met up with that photographer mentioned in an earlier posting who was offering free pictures. It went...okay. He's a 19 year old kid who didn't have any experience shooting kids, so he didn't really go about it with the sense of urgency that I would have. But, I think we probably got some good ones. I'll post some shots once he gets them edited and such.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Okay, so potty training sucks! My son has finally realized that it's uncomfortable to sit in your own waste for long periods of time (good thing). Unfortunately he has also figured out how to take his pants and diapers off to try and correct the problem on his own (bad thing...lots of messes...we'll leave it at that). The first few times he did this, I was like, "Hey! If he can do that, he can go potty on his own! Hooray!" ...silly me. Aparently he still doesn't realize he needs to go until it's too late. So, he runs to the bathroom screaming "Poop! Pee!", whips off his pants and diaper which results in flinging ickiness all over the bathroom, and proceeds to sit on the toilet looking at books for the next 10 minutes with no "results" if you will. So, I guess we're making progress, but it's still so frustrating. Everything I look up online or in magazines about potty-training says a different thing from the next. It's irritating! Also, I feel like we're experiencing a lot of "two steps forward, one step back." He'll be so excited about going potty one day, and the next he will literally pitch a fit at the mere mention of going potty. Weirdo.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Okay, so I guess I'm more on-the-ball than I thought, and already posted those pictures. Oh, well...my kids are adorable! Look at them again!

Carl went back to work today! Hip-hip-hooray! It will be such a nice change for all of us to have things to do everyday (not to mention the extra income). Carl's going to work everyday, I'm going to work everyday, and the kids are heading to Grandmom's (a.k.a. Debbie's) house. She's been chomping at the bit for Carl to go back to work. Aparently she has planned all sorts of outings to local farms, zoos, etc. So, the kids (well, L.C. at least) will get a kick out of that.
It'll be nice to have Carl out of the house again, too. Don't get me wrong, the man is an AMAZING stay-at-home dad. He's much better at it than I ever was. But, he's the kind of guy that constantly has to be "doing." So, stuck at home all day, he would find things to keep himself busy. Helpful and fantastic the first, oh, month. After that, it got really irritating.
Me: "Hey, babe? Where's the cereal?"
Carl: "Oh, I rearranged the kitchen yesterday. The cabinets were so unorganized. It's over by the toaster, since toast is for breakfast, and so is cereal. Get it?"
Me: "Ugh. Yeah, I get it."
Carl: "Um, Dee?"
Me: "Yeah. What's up?"
Carl: "That laundry you did yesterday...I got bored and put it in the dryer, and your shirt shrunk. I'm sorry!"
Me: "Ugh. That's all right. Thanks for the effort."
You get the picture. So, it'll be nice for us all to have more things to occupy our time.
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