Monday, February 27, 2012

Mommy Dementia

I remember once when I was about 5 or 6 my mom, sister, and I went somewhere (can't remember where, and it's not very important anyway...). After we'd finished up wherever the heck we were, we headed back to my mom's trusty old Toyota, Violet. This was back in the 80's before power locks, so it was determined by seniority the order of which you got your door unlocked. Mom, obviously, got in first and reached over to unlock the front door for Alie. As Alie's reaching around to unlock my door, mom starts to drive off. I. Am. Devastated. My own mother just drove off and left me! ...okay, okay, so she made it, like, 5 feet before she realized her mistake and I hopped in the car, but still...that was a horrifying 10 seconds for me. I remember thinking to myself, "How could she?! How does a mom not notice that one of her kids is NOT IN THE CAR?!?!" The answer: Mommy Dementia, of which I am now a victim.
I sent out invitations for the boy's birthday party last Friday. I went to the skating rink of Saturday to pay the deposit for the party and the girl can't find our reservation. "I've been emailing Kim for the past 2 weeks about this. Are you sure you don't see Dominique in there? Next Friday, March 2nd?" I'm starting to freak out at this point because I have already sent out the invitations. Aaaak! "No, but I see a Carl Rudegeair for Friday the 9th at that your son?" Me: "WHAT?! No, no, no...I emailed Kim. Look," I whip out my phone and pull up my emails. "Right here. 'Kim, let's go ahead and book the party for 4:30 on the...9th,' Oh, crap." Yep. I put the wrong date on the invitations. Yay, me! Ugh. So I had to write little 'I'm an Idiot' notes to all the parents of the kids in Carl's class to correct my whoopsie. And it doesn't stop there! Just the other day we're all piling in the car to go to a friend's house. I get the big kids in the car and Carl III get T all strapped in. Well, I hop in my seat and crank the engine and everyone's just looking at me as if I've grown a second head. "What?" I ask. "Were you planning on closing the door?" Yeah, I was about to head down the road with Paige's door WIDE open! Honestly, I'm thinking that with every kid you have it just gets progressively worse. Pretty soon you'll find me leaving the house without pants or without a kid...just do me a a quick head count if you see me out with the kids to make sure all are present and accounted for.


  1. Haha, I loved this post! I think because I know EXACTLY what you mean! I once plopped Joseph into his carseat, climbed into the car, and started to drive down the driveway.......he was screeching up a storm (he was maybe 18 months old). I stopped to figure out what was wrong with him - he was screaming like someone was pinching him.

    The problem? I didn't BUCKLE him into his carseat, merely sat him in it. Sigh.

    In my defense, Graham was about a month old at the time, too....I think I was in a sleep-deprived fog....

  2. Done that, too! I started to back out of the driveway last week and Carl IV started freaking out. Sheer panic in his eyes. "MOM, STOP THE CAR!!!" Me, "Dude, WHAT is the problem?!" Carl, "I don't have my seatbelt on yet! You can't go on the road! I could die!" Oy!
