If you've never noticed before, there is a little thingy on the side of the screen that shows whenever someone visits my blog. It uses some marvel of technology to detect where you are and shows the city/state/country and when you stopped by. Most of the time I can figure out who goes along with where, but there are a few that have just been driving me bonkers because, try as I might, I cannot think of someone that I know from..wherever. Example: Plainfield, Illinois...who are you? I know people in Chicago, but I Googled Plainfield, and it's not so close to Chicago. It's driving me nuts!
I'm in Aurora so it could be me! Stay at home mom who likes to look at blogs! Found your's using the "next blog" button at the top of screen a few months back. Sometimes your internet signal comes from a different place than you are.
Ahhhh...thank you! That has been driving me bananas!!!