Monday, September 28, 2009

Is there an echo in here?

Note to all parents whose children aren't talking yet: WATCH YOUR MOUTH!! Trust me, stop the potty-mouth thing now, or your children will store up every bad word they've ever heard you say only to shout them at the top of their lungs at the WORST possible moment!!
Let me paint you a picture...the Rudegeair family is walking through Wal-Mart on a Saturday morning looking at Halloween costumes for the kiddies. While strolling through the little girls' aisle, Carl III says, "Why are all the little girl costumes so slutty? As a dad, that pisses me off!" To which Carl IV responds, "What slutty? Pissed?" Ugh! No, no, no, no, no!! I just broke his habit of saying , "Aw, crap!" because he'd heard me saying it (which was an edit from my prior, "Aw, shit!" which I heard him say once and was shamed into watching my language). So, trust me,'s easier to start watching what you say from day 1, rather than wait until you have to "un-teach" them to say something. Yikes!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Long time, no BLOG!

I know, I know...I'm a slacker. I haven't posted anything in forever! Sorry.
So, a lot has happened since my last update. Paige is officially walking (yowza!), Carl IV is talking like a real person now, and Carl III and I went to Pensacola for my 10-year high school reunion. Whew! Busy, I know.
First things first, can I just say once again what genetic FREAKS my kids are?! I mean, really...walking at 8 months?! Stop it. Paige has also recently discovered the joys of finger foods and hasn't looked back since. She has absolutely no interest in baby food and being spoon fed anymore. If she can't pick it up with her chubby fingers, she wants nothing to do with it. So, we're buying a lot of avocados, diced pears, frozen waffles, etc. She had some noodles with red sauce last night, and I'm telling you, the kid looked at me like, "Why were you feeding me that pureed crap for so long? You've been holding out on me!" It was hillarious!
Onto Carl IV. It is the coolest thing in the world being able to hold a conversation with your kid. I actually sat down the other morning and had a conversation with my 2-year-old! Love it!
Me: "So, buddy, what'd you have for lunch today?"
Carl: "Umm...cheese...burger. Milk. All gone."
Me: "Wow, that sounds good! What else happened today?"
Carl: "I draw. I swim. I too small."
Really?! Could he be cuter?! Ugh!!!
Last weekend Carl III and I went to Pensacola, and we left the kids with Carl's mom (God bless her!). They had a community day in our neighborhood, and she took the kids because they had all kinds of free rides and firetrucks, etc. All in all I think she said they were there for about 3 hours, and all went home and passed out for another couple of hours! Good times were had by all.
Meanwhile, Carl and I were living it up in Pensacola. We stayed in a condo on the beach with some friends, and it was great being back for a visit. I have to say, it was nice to leave behind the 9billion% humidity and return to 34% humidity with a high of 72*. Ahhh...I love you, PA!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009