Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Paige's 1st Birthday Party

I know what you're thinking...didn't Paige just turn 11 months??? Yeah, yeah, but with her birthday being squished in with Christmas, and the fact that Carl III's cousin, Libby, was born on Christmas day (I don't want to steal her thunder), we decided to celebrate a little early. All in all a success...not that you have to do a lot to impress a (almost) 1 year old. Paige looked absolutely adorable in a dress my mom found (thanks, Nana Jules!), striped leggings that barely fit over her Michelin Man legs, and pigtails! She was thrilled with all the girly toys! It's funny how instinctive certain things are SO different between boys and girls. The first thing Carl does with a new toy is try and use it as either a weapon or a hammer. Paige grabbed every baby doll she got (keep in mind, I don't think she's seen one prior to this party) and hugged it SO HARD! Freakin' adorable.

Thanksgiving is this Thursday...it's always a lot of fun, but a ridiculously long day. We start out in King of Prussia at the Turkey Bowl (a football game going on it's 12th year between Carl and a bunch of his friends), head home, shower, change, nap (hopefully!), then head out to Carl's Aunt Patty's house (about 45 minutes away), eat dinner, then we pack up and head over to Carl's other Aunt's house (this year it's his Aunt Karen...the Rudegeair side) and have dessert/drinks. I'm tired just typing all that. Whew! Should be a good time all around, though.

So, from the Rudegeairs to you and yours, Happy Thanksgiving!!! Gobble, gobble!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"Chill Out"

My son is hillarious. Don't get me wrong, he's also obnoxious, mischievous, whiney, etc. But fortunately he cracks me up more often than not. This past Saturday we went to an annual "Pumpkin Chunkin'" party that one of my clients has every year. Basically, he and his neighbors spend all year building these ridiculous contraptions that fling the pumpkins left over from Halloween across his property into his lake. Whoever's thingy-ma-jiggy flings it the furthest wins the title of Pumpkin Chunkin' Champion until next year. (side note: these people think southerners are rednecks?! Hello...) Anywho, I thought Carl IV would get a kick out of it, and at the very least it would be a nice way to occupy our time on a Saturday afternoon. So, we get out to this party, and Carl IV is instantly mesmorized by these giant slingshot thingies that hurl the pumpkins. I am like a broken record for the next 4 hours repeatedly saying, "No, sir. You may not. That can hurt you!" to which my son replies, "Be wight back," as he shoos me away with his hand. When I grab said hand to pull him back out of the way he looks me dead in the eye and says, "Chill out, mom." Are you kidding me?! My 2-year-old just told me to chill out! What a little parrot! I tell him that all the time! It's frightening the things this kid remembers! Then, he saw some teenage boy at the party hock a loogie (sp?), and for the remainder of the afternoon was attempting the same thing. Ugh. Boys are gross!
We're having Paige's birthday party this Sunday so it's not all smooshed in with Christmas (not to mention that Carl's 13-year-old cousin already has to share her birthday with Christmas, and I don't want to steal her thunder anymore than that), so that should be a good time. Pictures to come.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Trick or Treat!

I know, I suck. Sorry, but it's been a crazy month between kids getting sick, Carl getting laid-off, working, etc., etc.
So we took the kids trick-or-treating for Halloween, and I have to say that my kids are FREAKIN' ADORABLE! Ugh! It's too much for me to stand sometimes. It was so cool because Carl IV actually "got it" this year, and he was so excited! His enthusiasm was contagious!